Art for Spelunking through Time coming soon

We are doing things different with Rise to Heist: Instead of releasing individual games, Rise to Heist is a collection of games that builds on the base game. And now we have some updates to share!

Spelunking through Time is scheduled to receive artwork from the magnificent Marcin! We worked with Marcin on various projects and he created the awesome Art for Rise to Heist. When we looked for artists for Spelunking through Time, we wanted to keep the tone of the art similar and this gave us the opportunity to support Marcin even more. He had a few setbacks this year and it our way of giving back to an artist we had an amazing experience working with and at the same time the fantastic opportunity to get kick-ass artwork for a game that has been in development for the last 6 months now.

We have been quiet over the summer, mostly because we needed a break, but we never stopped working on Spelunking through Time. The artwork by Marcin should arrive in the next few weeks and with this we can ramp up our efforts in promoting the Rise to Heist Collection again.

We already met our first goals and the artwork for Rise to Heist is paid, as well as trips to the ice cream shop with my kids and a relaxing evening with my partner for a cocktail at the lake. Our next goal is to fund the artwork for Spelunking through Time - which will be a much bigger chunk of money simply because we commissioned multiple pieces and a cover.

So stay tuned for more new coming your way and we would appreciate if you could help us get the word out for Spelunking through Time!

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