Pricing update!

Rise to Heist - and with it Spelunking through Time - will be priced differently once we reached our funding goals!

Many crowdfunding projects include Community Copies attached to their stretch goals. I am a big proponent of Community Goals and all my projects are available either for free/PWYW or have Community Copies attached to them. Rise to Heist and Spelunking through Time will go the PWYW route once we are funded and so it is not necessary to attache Community Copies to our stretch goals.

The main reason to crowdfund is to earn back the money we spend on paying our artist, Marcin! We are in the lucky position to front the cost for artwork, but it would mean the world to us if we could see a black 0 at the end of this crowdfunding campaign. Yes, we do have additional smaller stretch goals intertwines with our big stretch goals. These are tokens of our gratitude for the people that allow us to work on our hobby and spend time away from them: drinks with my partner, ice cream with my kids.

Anyway, help us reach our funding goals and help make Rise to Heist available to everyone!

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50% Off
$5.00 $2.50 USD or more

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