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Thanks for releasing this awesome and compact game! If apes together strong, are Replicants interlinked proficient?  


Replicants interlinked proficient! That just made my day!

Thanks for that and the kind words!


I think it is clever to give advice on different group sizes. Are you planning on releasing random tables to support solo play?

(1 edit)

I already made a first selection of possible tables, but I'm not sure about the format yet.

I'd say random tables are coming soon!

Know what - scratch that last reply: I'm thinking about a proper Solo Play Guide now, so keep your eyes open!


The Baseline Test scene from the film Blade Runner 2049 was a huge inspiration for this game. The interesting thing about this scene is, that the Baseline test is based on a technique actors use to create emotional connections with words and phrases called Dropping-In - but the technique is turned on its head. Replicants are not allowed emotions, so they are not supposed to create connections with these words. Absolutely glorious!

I found this excellent article that goes a bit more into the details of the Baseline Test ins Blade Runner 2049 and how it is the opposite of Dropping-In.

Baseline Scene - article

Here's the Tears in Rain monologue from the ending of the original Blade Runner film. The reason I didn't use this as primary inspiration is, that the premise in the 2nd movie has changed and we see the world through the eyes of a Replicant, which changes the focus.

But either way, this scene and the monologue is one of the great moments of cinema and deserves praise!